Engineering Design Portfolio
Fractional Damage Aesthetic Medical Device
Device Purpose
Used for removing skin cores and reducing appearance of wrinkles on skin
Device Features
Independent XY and Z needle control
PID control of needle motion and skin entry velocity
Click on disposable with vacuum frame for holding skin during treatment
Needle hub with vacuum clearing of skin cores
Cleanable hand piece with minimal seams and screw caps
Device currently on the market
My key contributions
Full mechanical design (from prototype to manufacturing) of hand piece, including internal mechanisms and their integration into outside shape from industrial designers
Fully custom XYZ stage
Integration of PCBs and collaboration with EE team for optimal design
Shell topology: injection molded clamshell, over molded IP22 sealing, EMI shielding, press fit screw caps, LED illumination, cabling strain relief, industrial design tweaks for assembly feasibility
Injection molding DFM of outer shell pieces and disposable parts
Led development of disposables technology (needle hub and vacuum frame)
Vacuum flow analysis (skin core shearing)
Disposable usability and efficacy
Alpha Build Production Hand Piece
Clip on, 3 piece, patient contacting disposable
Custom XY stage designed for low cost, high resolution, low backlash
Prototype hand piece and disposable function